Get construction work in Canada: Move successfully

Our experts have helped over 1100 construction worker candidates find work in Canada in the last 12 months.

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Rated over 4.8/5

Some numbers related to Construction Work in Canada

Average Income for construction-related  jobs in Canada

$ 60000

Number of Canada Construction Worker candidates we helped in the last 12 months

employed construction workers

Benefits of Working in the Construction Industry in Canada

Salaries are 31% Higher Than in Europe

16,400+ Job Offers in Every Canadian Province

More than 25% of Canada's population are immigrants

The quality of life is much higher than in most European countries

Why Do Many People Choose CanadaCIS?

Move to Canada

Increase Your Chances to Become a Construction Worker in Canada!

There is no better way to start working life in Canada than having a career consultant, guiding you through every detail of the job search. Whether you’re looking to work in Canada for a year or to move and build your future here as a construction worker– we can help! Join the community of foreign workers in Canada, apply today for a job offer!

Before anything else, we will try to get to know you better, know your occupation and work experience to evaluate the realistic possibilities of finding a job in Canada.

We will rewrite your resume to meet Canadian standards. This will allow you to get a job more easily.

You will no longer have to spend hours and hours examining job offers and sending your CV hundreds of times. We’ll do it for you!

Our consultants will prepare you for the best job interview.

Having a language certification significantly increases your chance of finding a job in Canada. We will help you get it easily!

Once you have received the job offers, you will be able to evaluate them together with the employment consultant to understand whether or not it is appropriate to accept them.

Want to work in canada construction industry? We Can Help You!

We will give you the opportunity to improve your life. Don’t miss this chance!